About us

Behind the name

The name Zuri Nutrition communicates our company’s philosophy at its core.
“Zuri”, a Swahili word that is associated with beauty, attractiveness and something lovely represents the solutions we as a company eagerly seek to provide – beauty and cosmetic solutions. “Nutrition” communicates our approach to the solutions we provide our customers. This name not only identifies us as a company but our methodology and our beliefs. We hope to convince our customers to think the same. Beauty and Health should never be mutually exclusive because you are your most beautiful at your healthiest!

Meet our founder 

Hi there!

I am so excited to share this wonderful journey with you. Zuri Nutrition has been a long time coming, from watching my grandmother make her own beauty products with no chemistry background, to tailoring mixing our very own products and supplements with my mother. I have learned overtime that to get the results I wanted for my body, beauty and overall health, I had to work backwards, and start from what I put inside my body. Having coupled my love for health, nutrition and plain-old looking badass, I created Zuri to help other women and men reach their goals too.

We work with Nutritionists and Dietitians who are some of the best in the business with no less than 10 years experience each to create our well thought out dietary supplement formulas, which we then test before we put to market. We put our heart and soul into creating these products. We envision a future where women are more health conscious, where they know everything that goes inside their body, the function each ingredient serves and more importantly where self-love starts from the inside in the physical sense too.

Enjoy YOUR products!

Dimakatso Lekekela
We love safe products

Our manufacturers are ISO9001, ISO14001 (Environmental Management) and OHASA18001 (Occupational Health and Safety) certified, they abide by the GMP and IMS requirements and have been for over 27 years. They are involved in the entire product development stage and are OCD just like us. They're pretty much our BFFs. We trust them and you can too.